Running the test suite

The PHPUnit tests as defined in the phpunit.xml offer the following suites:

  • tests/Core - core functionalities, such as tests for the OAuthOptions and AccessToken classes etc.

  • tests/Storage - tests the OAuthStorageInterface implementors

  • tests/Providers/Unit - unit tests for the OAuthInterface descendants

  • tests/Providers/Live - tests the provider classes against the live APIs

Anything in the tests directory outside of these directories are abstract classes, helpers, attribute definitions and other files used in the tests.

Control test behaviour

There are several groups you can use to exclude specific tests: slow, shortTokenExpiry and providerLiveTest, where the latter is excluded by default, as valid access tokens are required. The group shortTokenExpiry is a subgroup of providerLiveTest for providers that issue access tokens with a very short expiry (e.g. 1 hour).

The PHPUnit constant TEST_IS_CI (defined in the php section of phpunit.xml) specifies whether the test suite is running in a CI environment such as GitHub Actions etc. - it overrides the aforementioned group settings and automatically skips live tests.

	<!-- ... -->
		<const name="TEST_IS_CI" value="true"/>

In order to run the live API tests locally, a .env file in <project root>/.config is required, which you can define in the TEST_ENVFILE directive.

<const name="TEST_ENVFILE" value=".env_example"/>

Using custom PSR-17/PSR-18 factories

The HTTP factories are managed by the helper library chillerlan/phpunit-http. By default, the test suite uses guzzlehttp/guzzle and its PSR-7/17 implementation(s) GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory. If you want to run the tests against a different PSR-7 implementation, you can easily switch to other factories via the following constants:

<const name="REQUEST_FACTORY" value="My\Custom\PSR7\RequestFactory"/>
<const name="RESPONSE_FACTORY" value="My\Custom\PSR7\ResponseFactory"/>
<const name="STREAM_FACTORY" value="My\Custom\PSR7\StreamFactory"/>
<const name="URI_FACTORY" value="My\Custom\PSR7\UriFactory"/>

To use a different PSR-18 HTTP client, you’ll need to wrap it in a HttpClientFactoryInterface

final class HttpClientFactory implements HttpClientFactoryInterface{

	public function getClient(
		string                   $cacert,
		ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory,
		return new MyHttpClient(['cacert' => $cacert, /* ... */]);


You can then specify it in the phpunit.xml:

<const name="HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY" value="My\Custom\\HttpClientFactory"/>