
Installation with Composer

Composer is required to install this package. Please do not open an issue to complain about “monopolizing the implementation” or similar - we’ve been there before.


Installation via composer.json:

	"require": {
		"php": "^8.1",
		"chillerlan/php-oauth": "dev-main"

Note: replace dev-main with a version constraint, e.g. ^1.0 - see releases for valid versions.

In case you want to keep using dev-main, specify the hash of a commit to avoid running into unforseen issues, like so: dev-main#cb69751c3bc090a7fdd2f2601bbe10f28d225f10


To install php-oauth on the terminal, type:

composer require chillerlan/php-oauth

If you want to install the package from a specific tag or commit, do as follows:

composer require chillerlan/php-oauth:1.0.0
composer require chillerlan/php-oauth:dev-main#9860baf50f8962630cd1f9a32d82d8263c246c3b

Manual installation

Download the desired version of the package from main or release and extract the contents to your project folder. After that, run composer install in the package root directory to install the required dependencies and generate ./vendor/autoload.php.


Can i use this library without using composer?

You can, but it’s absolutely not recommended, nor supported.

With that said, I’ll leave you with this info:

  • download the .zip for a version of your choice and also all required dependencies listed in the composer.json for that version (you can find links to the respective repos on packagist)

  • extract the files into your library folder

  • include the files manually or with whatever autoloader you are using

Good luck!